
The Best Droid RPGs You Never Heard Of

Tales of Illyria is honored as the !#1 Android Hidden Gem by Hardcore Droid! Headed up by designer Chad Mannicia, Little Killerz has developed an indie RPG series for the ages with the Illyria games. While they play in part like immersive survival titles, they also hit all of the RPG sweet spots. Each of the three feature engaging combat, skill and loot systems, rich world-building and interesting stories, with all of it playing out within the framework of managing randomized engagements, as your party travels the open roads of Illyria. 


Get Your Chad On

Hello! Thanks for dropping by and Welcome to my show room! This is a summary post of my accomplishments in web development and the gaming industry. With this year’s release of Illyria: Destinies we have become convinced that Chad Maniccia and his superb team can do no wrong. First you should know that "Get Your Chad On" was not a vain creation of my own making. It was a birthday present of a theme song written and performed by some old high school friends. I'm just running with it because hey how many people have a theme song written for them? If your very c


Puff Adventure

Puff Adventure is a game I made to propose. I never figured I'd get married so I wasn't going to propose in a traditional way. Puff is my wife and adventures are what I call her shopping sprees. Kim Petras a transgender German pop singer has a catchy song about shopping so it seemed like a nice theme for the game. The game starts with her rolling to see how many kisses she gets. She can use kisses through out the game to change the outcome of a roll or reroll. The higher the roll the better date she will get. The game takes places over 8 dates ending with the big propos


Rogue Dungeon

Rogue Dungeon was the game I always was looking for but could never find. A high quality solo dungeon crawler with a play mat that emulated a CRPG. One with high replayability,  dripping with theme. Not very many games let you go from zero to hero in one hour. It's a loot management game at its core and that's where all of its charm comes from. You start the game with a hunk of meat, you give the meat to a wolf who helps you defeat the zombie who drops a lockpick,  which you use to open the safe where you find the jeweled goblet,  which you trade for


Tales of Illyria:Destinies

Tales of Illyria:Destinies was the final part of the trilogy. It was inspired by open world games like Skyrim, but it's real roots lie in Ultima. The game starts with an interactive sequence where you progress from being born and your mother naming you to morale situations where you alignment is determined, ending with you coming of age and picking your martial profession. This was our best selling game to date. It won the "Best Android RPG 2015" from Hardcore Droid.  At this point the Trilogy comprises a word count of over 1.25 MILLION WORDS, 14,411 graphi


Tales of Illyria:The Iron Wall

Tales of Illyria:The Iron Wall was the second in the Trilogy. It saw the addition of kingdom Vasena which was an Arab, Persian, Egyptian, Mesopotamian amalgamation. We doubled the amount of weapons, armors, monsters, and story content.  A main questline taking place in Vasena and then a second questline taking place in greater Illyria. We were able to explore some fish out of water scenarios as well as xenophobia. We did a white male hero in the first game so it seemed natural to have a female lead of color in this episode. The roleplaying public wasn't very kee


Tales of Illyria:Fallen Knight

Tales of Illyria was Little Killerz third title. A massive undertaking requiring a team of seven. I lead the team consisting of  five writers, a composer and a an artist all while coding the game engine and four game editors, project reports and a project database.  Final Assets totaled 14,411 graphic files, 172 sound effects, 161 original scores and ambient tracks. Word count was 287,712, a novel is 50,000 words. This means the single game packs in 5.7 novels. I used Google to translate every word into 14 different languages. It's success developed i


Legends Arcana

Legends Arcana was Little Killerz second game. It was to be a fun and fast action Dungeon Crawler. It was actually quite popular for a time. It should be obvious we started with the Bad-Toys engine and used it to great effect. We wanted the game to feel like you were in painting, The combat was really dynamic and the enemy AI is good many of the enemies will dodge your attacks. I love that you can smash everything and for some reason gold splashes on to the dungeon floor. I'm really proud of this one. Google Play Dungeon Editor Download APK Website Forum



Bad-Toys was my first game made in partnership with Jon Smith as Little Killerz. It's a light hearted action game that explores the possibilities of your toy box coming to life and only wanting to commit mayhem. In between levels your treated to short cutscenes showing the toys dancing. It presented several interesting challenges. The AI was neat to make I was able to achieve some smarts by creating way points on the level where the enemies should go to look for you also once they see you, you start dropping bread crumbs they essentially follow your foot steps. 



RiverBlast was my first attempt at creating a commercial video game. Google was set to release their first Android touchscreen phone in 2008. It would be released day 1 with an app store. I wanted to make something that really showed off the touchscreen so I got the idea of paddling on the left and right of the screen. It still has a working leader board hosted on this server. Google Play River Designer Download APK